Belief Bytes: Your Monday Religion News Roundup

Here is your Religion News Roundup excerpt for today:

“The AP has a stellar story on how Santorum benefits from several decades of detente between evangelicals and Catholics. In fact, he’s doing better among evangelicals than Catholics in Michigan, NPR reports.

 Mormon voters are keeping their support for Mitt Romney under wraps, for fear of drawing attention to his LDS faith, WaPo reports.

 Senior LDS church leaders donated to Romney’s campaign, the SLT reports, just before the church asked members not to participate in political campaigns.

The NYT reports that American officials said the U.S. remains committed to the Afghan war even after the weekend killing of two American military officers and deadly protests over the accidental burning of Qurans.”

Read the rest of the article here:

-Samantha Freda, Wilmington FAV’s Intern

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