Belief Bytes: Monday Religion News Roundup

Here is your Religion News Roundup for today:

Photo courtesy of ABC.

c. Religion News Service 2012
Reprinted with permission

Houses of worship in Henryville, Indiana, and across the Midwest and South are helping pick up the pieces from devastating tornadoes that killed 39.

Military investigators found that five U.S. service members are responsible for Quran burnings in Afghanistan. They could lose rank, but will not be put on public trial, despite calls from Afghanistan’s top religious council.

‘What they did was careless, but there was no ill will,’ a military official told WaPo.

Georgetown University’s, John J. DeGioia, quoted St. Augustine in his defense of GU law student Sandra Fluke, whom Rush Limbaugh called a mean word last week. ‘Let us, on both sides, lay aside all arrogance. Let us not, on either side, claim that we have already discovered the truth,’ runs the quotation from Augustine.”

Read the rest of the article here:

-Samantha Freda, Wilmington Faith and Values news intern

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